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Registration for the entrance exam is now open


Meetings, workshops, conferences...

Meeting each other is essential. To feel the atmosphere in a school is important. Talking to our students, the teaching staff and parents is the best way to understand what makes our school a unique place to develop, learn a trade and enter professional life.

A school is a place that must favour students’ fulfilment and structure their way of working.

You have to feel good in school !

You are getting ready to integrate a several years curriculum in highly technological and artistic professions.

Ethics - Transparency on the school organisation, on the criteria to join the school and on tuition costs - The pedagogical point of view - The quality of the equipment made available to you - The premises’ efficiency - The students’ mind-set and the qualitative relations with the pedagogical team are essential components.

What are the relations between the school and the professional environment? What events are organised to promote professional integration? These questions should be on your list during your research and should arouse your curiosity.

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